Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chapter 7.1 - Ratios as Fractions

In the previous section we saw the basics about ratios and proportions. In this section, we will discuss about the relation between ratios and fractions. Consider an example:

A special material for repairing cracks in walls was bought from a hardware shop. On opening the package, it was found that there are two separate boxes inside. The first box contains a chemical substance A. The second box contains another chemical substance B. Instructions on how to use the chemicals is also given with the package. It is as follows:
• Take two parts of Chemical A
• Take three parts of Chemical B
• Mix them well using a trowel, and it is ready to be applied on the cracks.

What do we understand from the above instructions?
The amount of each chemicals A and B is shown in the fig.7.5 below:
Every ratio can be represented as a fraction and vice versa
We need a measuring vessel. It will have markings on it's side. Using this measuring vessel, we must take the chemical A twice, and chemical B thrice. So the measuring is done 5 times. [Extreme care should be taken to ensure that, in each of these 5 times, the chemicals are taken upto the same level marking of the measuring vessel. So, the quantity taken will be the same in each of the 5 measurements]

It is a clear case of ratios. A and B are to be taken in the ratio 2:3. By following the above procedure, two parts of A and 3 parts of B will be obtained. When they are mixed together, the final product will be ready. This final product will be equal to 5 times the measuring vessel. Out of these 5, two are A and three are B. So:
• The fraction of A in the final product is 2
• The fraction of B in the final product is 35

So we succeeded in writing the ratio in the form of fractions. This has many applications. Let us look at a few:
Suppose it is estimated that a total of 15 litres of the final product will be required to repair the cracks. Then how much litres, each of A and B should be taken and mixed?
• Final quantity required = 15 litres
• Divide it into 5 equal parts: 15/5 = 3 litres
• So we can do a grouping: There will be 5 groups. Each group will have 3 litres. This is shown in the fig.7.6 below:
All the groups are equal in size. Because each of them have 3 litres. So we succeeded in dividing the 15 litres into 5 equal parts. Now, to maintain the ratio of 2:3, 
• Two groups must be of chemical A, and 
• Three groups must be of chemical B. 
• Two groups of A means 2 × 3 = 6 litres of A
• Three groups of B means 3 × 3 = 9 litres of B. This is shown in the fig.7.7 below:
• 6 + 9 = 15 litres. Thus we get the 'quantities of A and B' that are to be taken, to obtain 15 litres of the final product.

In the 15 litres of the final product, A and B are in the ratio 6 : 9. Dividing both sides by 3 we get 2 : 3. So 6:9 is an equivalent ratio of 2:3. And so, in the final 15 litres also, A and B are indeed present in the ratio 2:3

What we did in the above analysis was this:
• We divided 15 into 5 equal parts. This is because 2:3 is 2 parts + 3 parts = 5 parts
• 155 = 3. So, there must be 2 'threes' of A. 2 threes = 2 × 3 = 6 litres of A
• Mathematically, we can write the above two steps as 155 × 2 = 6  15 × 25 = 6
• So what we did was to multiply the 'required final quantity' by the 'fraction of A'
• Similarly, multiply the 'required final quantity' by the 'fraction of B':
• 15 × 35 = 9 litres.

If 25 litres of the final product is to be made, we must take 25 × 25 = 10 litres of A
And 25 × 35 = 15 litres of B
10 : 15 = 2:3 (dividing both sides by 5)

Another example:
In the preparation of certain food items, ratios will have to be strictly maintained. For example, in the making of a cake, sugar and flour may have to be in the ratio 1:4. If we are to prepare 12 kg of the cake, we can calculate the quantities of sugar and flour required as follows:
• Total quantity of the final product = 12 kg
• Ratio of sugar to flour = 1:4
• Quantity of sugar required = 12 × 15 = 2.4 kg
• Quantity of flour required = 12 × 4 = 9.6 kg

If the final quantity required is 10 kg, we can calculate the quantities as:
Quantity of sugar required = 10 × 15 = 2 kg
Quantity of flour required = 10 × 4 = 8 kg

Solved example 7.2
For making a special colour for a painting, an artist has to take yellow and green in the ratio 3:7. How much , each of yellow and green should be taken if he has to prepare 25 ml of the special colour?
• Total quantity of the final product = 25 ml
• Ratio of yellow to green = 2:7
• Quantity of yellow required = 25 × 29 = 5.56 ml
• Quantity of green required = 25 × 7 = 19.44 ml
Solved example 7.3
For making a cake, sugar, cream and flour are to be taken in the ratio 1:3:5. How much of each quantity should be taken if the final weight of the cake is to be 15 kg?
• Total quantity of the final product = 15 kg
• Ratio sugar : cream :  flour = 1:3:5
• Quantity of sugar required = 15 × 19 = 1.67 kg
• Quantity of cream required = 15 × 39 = 5.0 kg
• Quantity of flour required = 15 × 5 = 8.33 kg

So we have seen one application for expressing ratios as fractions: It helps us to determine the quantity of each individual component in the final product. Now let us see another application:

Consider our first example: Combination of Chemical A and Chemical B. Let 12 litres of A be already taken. Then how much of B should be taken?
• We know that A and B should always be in the ratio 2:3. Other wise the final product will not have the required properties.
• 12 litres of A is already taken. This must be exactly equal to 25 of the final product. Let the quantity of the final product be x
• Then we can write: 25 of x is equal to 12 litres. That is., x × 25 = 12 ⇒ 2x5 = 121
• Taking cross products we get 2x × 1 = 12 × 5  2x = 60
 x = 602 = 30 litres. So the quantity of the final product is 30 litres.
• Now, B must be exactly equal to 3/5 of the final product.
• So quantity of B = 30 × 35 = 18 litres
check: 12 + 18 = 30. Also 12 : 18 = 2:3 (dividing both sides by 6) 
• So we get the quantity of B as 18 litres, when 12 litres of A is already taken.

Solved example 7.4
Mr.A and Mr.B decided to start a business together. They decided to invest money in the ratio 4:5. If A invested 20000, How much should B invest?
• Ratio of investment by A and B = 4:5
• A invested 20000. This must be exactly equal to 49 of the final total amount. Let the final amount be x
• Then x × 4 = 20000  4x = 20000  4x = 20000 × 9  4x = 180000
 x = 180000 = 45000. So the final amount is 45000
• Now, investment by B must be exactly equal to 5 of the final amount
• So investment made by B = 45000 × 59 = 25000
• Check: 20000 + 25000 = 45000. Also 20000 : 25000 = 4:5 (dividing both sides by 5000)
• So we get the investment to be made by B as 25000, when 20000 is already invested by A 
Solved example 7.5
In the above problem 7.4, some profit was made by the business at the end of one year. If B's share from the profit was calculated as 32000, then what was the total profit? And what is the share of A?
• Ratio of investment by A and B = 4:5
• The profit will be shared in the same ratio 4:5
• B's share is 32000. This must be exactly equal to 59 of the total profit. Let the total profit be x  
• Then x × 5 = 32000  5x = 32000  5x = 32000 × 9  5x = 288000
 x = 288000 = 57600. So the total profit is 57600
• Now, share of A must be exactly equal to 4 of the total profit
• So share of A = 57600 × 49 = 25600
• Check: 25600 + 32000 = 57600. Also 25600 : 32000 = 4:5 (dividing both sides by 6400)
• So we get the total profit as 57600 and the share of A as 25600
Solved example 7.6
Three friends A, B and C decided to take up a work. They decided to split the wages in the same ratio as the number of days each person works. A worked for 4 days and got 3600. B worked for 5 days and got 4500. If the total wages is 108000, For how many days did C work?
• Total wages = 108000. This amount is split in the ratio of the number of days
• No. of days that A worked = 4; No. of days that B worked = 5
• Let the number of days that C worked = x
• Then the ratio = 4 : 5 : x
• A's share = 4(4 +5 +x) of 10800  4(9 +x)  of 10800  10800 × 4 (9 +x) 
• B's share = 5(4 +5 +x) of 10800  5(9 +x)  of 10800  10800 × 5 (9 +x) 
• But it is given that A's share is 3600. So we can write:
• 10800 × 4(9 +x)  = 3600 ⇒ 43200(9 +x)  =  3600 1 
• Taking cross products, we get:
43200 = (9 +x) × 3600  43200 = 32400 + 3600x  3600x = 43200 -32400 =10800
 x = 108003600 = 3
• So the number of days that C worked is 3
Check: B's share = 5(4 +5 + 3) of 10800 512  of 10800  10800 × 512 = 4500 (same value given in question)

Another method:
• Total wages = 108000. This amount is split in the ratio of the number of days
• A's share = 3600; B's share = 4500
 C's share = 10800 -(3600 +4500) =2700
• This 2700 is x(4 +5 + x)  of 10800. So we can write:
• 2700 = 10800 × x(4 +5 + x)  2700 × (9 +x) = 10800x same as 24300 + 2700x = 10800x  24300 = 10800x -2700x  24300 = 8100x
 x = 243008100 = 3 (same as before)

So we have completed the discussion on ratios. In the next section we will discuss about percentage.


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