Sunday, June 26, 2016

Chapter 14.6 - Division of Triangle by an Angle bisector

In the previous section we saw the division of a triangle by the line joining a vertex to any point on the opposite side. We saw some solved examples also. In this section, we will see a more advanced case.
• Consider the ΔABC in fig.14.28(a).
• It has sides AC = x1 and BC = y1
• CD is the bisector of angle ACB. So we have ACD = BCD = half of ACB. 
• As those angles are equal, we will denote them as α. This is shown in the fig.b. 
• The fig.b shows many more details:
• The angle bisector CD, splits the  ΔABC into two: ΔACD and ΔBCD. 
• Perpendicular DF is drawn from F to AC. Similarly, perpendicular DE is drawn from D to BC.
• When the perpendicular lines DF and DE are drawn, we get two new triangles: ΔCDF and ΔCDE. Let us analyse these two triangles:
• In any triangle, the sum of interior angles = 180o
• So in ΔCDF, 90 + α + CDF = 180.  CDF = 180 – (90 + α) = 90 – α
• Similarly, in ΔCDE, 90 + α + CDE = 180.  CDE = 180 – (90 + α) = 90 – α 
• So we find that CDF = CDE = 90 – α
• Since both are equal, we will denote them as β 
• So, in ΔCDF, we have two angles α and β, and an included side CD. Those same angles and included side are present in ΔCDE also. So this is a case of ASA congruence.
• Let us write the correspondence:
• EF since both are 90o. CC since both are α. DD since both are β
• So the correspondence is FCDECD
• The corresponding sides are FCEC, CDCD and FDED
• So sides FD and ED are equal in length. We will denote them as 'h'
• Now consider the original two triangles: ΔADC and ΔBDC. We can derive a relation between their area:

We will write the above findings in the form of a theorem. Usually, theorems are written in a single sentence. Here we will write step by step.

Theorem 14.7
1 The angle bisector is drawn at a vertex
2 The lengths of the sides meeting at that vertex are in the ratio x1:y1
3 The angle bisector divides the triangle into two smaller triangles
4 The areas of these two smaller triangles will also be in the ratio x1:y1
5 While taking ratio of areas, x1 and y1 should be assigned to the corresponding triangles
The converse of this theorem can also be written:

Theorem 14.8
1 The angle bisector is drawn at a vertex
2 This angle bisector divides the triangle into two smaller triangles
3 The areas of these two smaller triangles are in the ratio x1:y1
4 The lengths of the sides meeting at that vertex will also be in the ratio x1:y1
5 While taking ratio of areas, x1 and y1 should be assigned to the corresponding triangles

The above two theorems is a good example to demonstrate a Theorem and it's converse

Note that it is a sort of 'reversal'. 
• In Theorem 14.7, if sides are in the ratio x1y1, then the areas are also in the ratio x1y1
• In Theorem 14.8, if areas are in the ratio x1y1, then the sides are also in the ratio x1y1

Now we will see a very interesting relation between the above theorem 14.7 and the previous theorem 14.6, which we derived based on fig.14.26(a). We will draw the two triangles together:
• In fig(a), CD is any line drawn from the vertex C to BD. Ratio of the areas of the two triangles ADC and BDC = x : y. [x1 and y1 has no role to play here]
• If this line CD is not 'just any line', but the bisector of the angle at C, then the ratio of the areas will be in he ratio xy1
• But which ever line we draw from the vertex, the ratio of the areas is in the ratio x : y 
So when the line CD is the bisector of the angle at C, we have two equalities:
1 ar (ADC): ar (BDC) = x1 : y1
2 ar (ADC) : ar (BDC) = x : y
• So, when CD is the bisector of the angle, we have: x1 : y1 = x : y
• We can write this in the form of a theorem:

Theorem 14.9
The angle bisector is drawn at a vertex
The lengths of the sides meeting at that vertex are in the ratio xy1
The angle bisector splits the opposite side into two line segments
The ratio of the lengths of these two line segments will also be equal to xy

The converse of this theorem can also be written:
Theorem 14.10
A line is drawn from a vertex to the opposite side
The lengths of the sides meeting at that vertex are in the ratio xy1
The line splits the opposite side into two line segments
The ratio of the lengths of these two line segments are also equal to xy1
Then the line drawn is not 'just any line', it is the bisector of the angle at that vertex

Now we will see a practical application of the above theorem. In the fig.14.30, AB is a line 8 cm long. We want to divide it in the ratio 5 : 4. 
For that, we form a triangle with AB as the base. The other two sides must be 5 cm and 4 cm in length. In the fig.14.30(b), AC = 5 cm and BC = 4 cm. Consider the angle bisector CE drawn at the vertex C (fig.c). According to the Theorem 14.9, the point E will divide AB in the ratio 5:4. So we have an easy method to divide a line in any given ratio.

Now we will discuss how to draw the angle bisector CE. 
• We will start with fig(b). Extend AC to any convenient point D'. 
• With C as center, and CB as radius, draw an arc which cuts CD' at D. 
• Then CD will be equal to CB. This is shown in fig(d). 
• Now join B and D. Through C, draw CE, parallel to DB. 
■ CE will be the angle bisector of ACB.

• BCD is an isosceles triangle since CB = CD
• Let us denote the two base angles as α
• ∠ECB = α [ ECB and CBD are alternate interior angles. Two parallel lines CE and DB cut by a transversal BC]
• ACE = α [ ACE and CDB are corresponding angles. Two parallel lines CE and DB cut by a transversal BC]
• So we get ACE = BCE. That means, CE is the angle bisector of ACB

What if we want to split the 8 cm long line in the ratio 3:4?

In this case also we can follow the above procedure. We form a triangle with AB as base. The two sides should be 3 cm and 4 cm. But we will not be able to form a triangle with the three sides: 8 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm. This is because 8 > (3 + 4). Details can be seen here.

So we take a convenient equivalent ratio of 3:4. We know that 6: 8 is an equivalent ratio of 3:4. So our triangle will have base = 8 cm, and the other two sides 6 cm and 8 cm. The fig.14.31 below shows the required construction.  
• Extend AC to any convenient point D'
• With C as center, and CB as radius, draw an arc which cuts CD' at D.
• Then CD will be equal to CB
• Now join B and D. Through C, draw CE, parallel to DB
■ CE will be the angle bisector of ACB

Now we will see some solved examples:
Solved example 14.19
Draw a line 7 cm long, and divide it in the ratio 5:4
The required construction is shown in the fig.14.32 below:
The steps used in the construction are:
• Construct triangle ABC with sides AB = 7 cm, AC = 5 cm, and BC = 4 cm
• Extend AC to any convenient point D'
• With C as center, and CB as radius, draw an arc which cuts CD' at D.
• Then CD will be equal to CB
• Now join B and D. Through C, draw CE, parallel to DB

■ CE will be the angle bisector of ACB
■ AE will be equal to 5/9 of 7. And BE will be equal to 4/9 of 7. That is., AE : BE = 5:4

In the next section we will see more solved examples.


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