Friday, October 14, 2016

Chapter 18.2 - Division of Lines into a specified number of Equal parts

In the previous section we saw that, equally spaced red parallel lines will cut equal distances on the cyan lines. In this section, we will see a practical application of this property.

Consider a line 7 cm in length. We can easily divide this line into two equal parts:
• One method is to draw a perpendicular bisector of the line
• Another method is to mark a point, 3.5 cm from one end of the line
■ But what if we want to divide the 7 cm long line into 3 equal parts?
We cannot take exact 73 cm on a scale. So we must think of an alternate method
• We have seen that a set of equally spaced parallel lines will cut any line into equal parts.
• In our case, we want 3 equal parts. So we will need 4 parallel lines. These parallel lines should be equally spaced. The easiest way to achieve this is as follows:
1. Draw a horizontal cyan line 6 cm long
2. Mark 2 cm points on it
3. Draw red vertical lines through the markings and also through the ends. This is shown in the fig.18.9(a) below:
• The single cyan line, and the four red parallel lines together is our ‘tool’. We are going to use this tool to divide a 7 cm long line into 3 equal parts. 
[Note that any set of 'equally spaced parallel lines' can be used as a tool. They can be vertical, horizontal or slanting. Also the spacing must be appropriate for the problem under consideration]
4. Mark any convenient point A on the first vertical line. With A as centre, draw an arc of radius 7 cm, cutting the last vertical line at B. Join AB. This is shown in fig.b
5. AB is a line of length 7 cm, and it is divided into 3 equal parts. The job is done.

A different situation:
In the above example, the cyan line and the 4 red parallel lines is our ‘tool’. The 7 cm long line is our ‘subject’. We brought the subject to the tool. But this may not be always possible. 
Consider the plan of a building. A 7 cm line AB in the plan may represent the wall of a room. We want to divide that wall into 3 equal parts. Obviously, we cannot take out the line PQ and bring it to the tool. So we have to bring the tool to the subject. How can that be done?
1. In the fig.18.10(a) below, a 6 cm long cyan line AC is drawn in any convenient direction from the point A.
2. 2 cm points are marked on it
3. B is joined to C
4. Through the 2 cm points on the cyan line, draw red lines parallel to BC
5. These red parallel lines are equally spaced, and so, they will divide PQ into 3 equal parts. Note that we do not need to draw a red line through A. This is because it coincides with one end of the 'subject', which is the 7 cm long line AB.

Division using circle
In our note books, we have ruled lines. Those lines are parallel, and are equally spaced as shown in fig.18.11(a). Can we use them to divide a line of any given length, into equal parts?
We can. Suppose we want to divide a line of length ‘x’ into equal parts. The procedure is as follows:
Equally spaced ruled parallel lines and a circle can be used to divide lines into equal parts.
1. Mark a convenient point O on a line, near the lower left corner of the page
2. With O as centre, draw an arc (shown in green colour in fig.18.11.b) of radius x cm, cutting the ruled lines
3. Mark the points of intersection of the arc with the ruled lines as A, B, C etc.,
4. So OA, OB, OC etc., will all have the same length x cm
5. Now consider OA. Three equally spaced parallel lines pass through OA. They are:
    ♦ One line through O
    ♦ One line through A
    ♦ One intermediate line
• So the line OA is divided into 2 equal parts
6. Consider OB. Four equally spaced parallel lines pass through OB. They are:
    ♦ One line through O
    ♦ One line through A
    ♦ Two intermediate lines
• So the line OB is divided into 3 equal parts
7. Consider OC. Five equally spaced parallel lines pass through OC. They are:
    ♦ One line through O
    ♦ One line through A
    ♦ Three intermediate lines
• So the line OC is divided into 4 equal parts

■ Thus we see that the equally spaced ruled lines are a convenient tool for division of lines into equal parts.

Now we will see a solved example which shows the application of both theorems 18.1 and 18.2
Solved example 18.1
Draw a horizontal line 9 cm long and divide it into 7 equal parts. Draw another 9 cm long horizontal line and divide it in the ratio 3:4
Part (i): When a 9 cm long line is divided into 7 equal parts, each part will be 97 = 127 cm long. We cannot measure this length accurately. So we use an alternate method as shown in fig.18.12(a):
1. AB is the 9 cm long line. Draw another cyan line AC, 7 cm long in any convenient direction.
[We can draw AC at any convenient direction. But for this particular problem, we will draw AC at a convenient angle, say 30o or 35o with AB. We must note down this angle so that it can be used in part (ii) of the problem]
2. Mark 1 cm points on AC. Thus AC is divided into 7 equal parts
3. Join BC. Draw red lines parallel to BC through the 1 cm points on AC.
4. These red parallel lines will divide AB into 7 equal parts. This is a direct application of theorem 18.2
Part (ii): A 9 cm long line PQ is to be divided in the ratio 3:4. Let the point of division be T
• If the line is divided into 7 equal parts, each part will be equal to 97 cm.
• PT will take up 3 of those parts. So PT = 3 × 97 = 277 = 367 cm.
• QT will take up 4 of those parts. So QT = 4 × 97 = 367 = 517 cm.
• We cannot measure these lengths accurately. So we use the alternate method as shown in fig.b
1. PQ is the 9 cm long line. Draw another cyan line PR, 7 cm long at any convenient angle to PQ. We will use the same CAB used in fig.a. This will help to make a comparison.
2. Mark a point S at a distance of 3 cm from P. So PS = 3 cm and SR = 4 cm. Thus PR is divided in the ratio 3:4. But we want such a division on PQ
3. Join QR. Draw red line parallel to QR through S.
4. This red parallel line will meet PQ at T
5. Then PT : TQ = PS: SR =3 : 4. This is a direct application of theorem 18.1. Because, the red parallel lines cut through two lines PR and PQ
■ Note that 3 × 127 = 367 and 4 × 127 = 517 . Also note that the line ST in fig.b is the same 'thick red line' in fig.a
Solved example 18.2
Draw a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio 3:5, and perimeter is 17 cm
• We have: perimeter p = 2 × (l+b) = 17 cm. So (l+b) = 172 = 8.5 cm
• That is., sum of the sides = 8.5 cm.
■ So we have two conditions to satisfy:
    ♦ Sum of sides must be equal to 8.5 cm (∵ perimeter is to be 17 cm)
    ♦ Ratio of sides must be equal to 3:5
The steps are given below:
1. Draw a line AB of length 8.5 cm. divide it at a point E in the ratio 3:5. This is shown in the fig.18.13(a):
The procedure for such a division is clear from the fig.a. However, we will write the steps:
• First we draw a 8 cm long line AC at any convenient angle with AB
• Then we mark D at a distance of 5 cm from A. So AD:DC = 5:3
• Next we join CB, and then draw DE parallel to CB. Thus AE:EB = 5:3
• Now we have the 8.5 cm long line AB divided in the ratio 5:3
2. The longer segment AE is the length, and the shorter segment EB is the width of the rectangle.
• So we must make EB perpendicular to AE
3. For that, draw EF’ perpendicular to AB. With E as centre, and EB as radius, draw an arc cutting EF’ at F.
4. So EF = EB, and EF is the width of the rectangle.
5. Draw FG parallel to AE and AG parallel to EF

■ AEFG is the required rectangle.

The same rectangle AEFG can be drawn in a different position. It is shown in fig. 18.14(b) below:
The steps are the same upto (2). In (3), there is a change. We will rewrite the steps from (3):
3. Draw EF’ perpendicular to AB towards the bottom side of line AB. With E as centre, and EB as radius, draw an arc cutting EF’ at F.
4. So EF = EB, and EF is the width of the rectangle.
5. Draw FG parallel to AE and AG parallel to EF
■ AEFG is the required rectangle. The advantage of using this method is that, the final rectangle will not over lap with the construction lines. 

In the next section, we will see more solved examples.


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