Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Chapter 27.8 - Cyclic quadrilaterals - Solved examples

In the previous section we saw theorem 27.9 and it's converse. In this section we will see some solved examples.

Solved example 27.15
In the fig.27.46(a) below, A, B, C and D are four points on a circle. 
DBC = 55o and CAB = 45o. Compute BCD
1. Consider arc BC in fig(b). It subtends BAC (= 45o) on the alternate arc. 
• The same arc subtends BDC on the alternate arc. So BDC = BAC = 45oThis is marked in fig(b)
2. Consider ΔBDC. We get BCD = [180-(45+55)] =[180-100] = 80o. (∵ sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180o)
Thus we get the required angle. We can do a check by using theorem 27.9.   
3. Consider arc CD in fig(c). It subtends CBD (= 55o) on the alternate arc. 
• The same arc subtends ∠CAD on the alternate arc. So CBD = CAD = 55oThis is marked in fig(c)
(i) Sum of opposite angles BAD and BCD = 45 + 55 + 80 = 180o         

Solved examples 27.16
In the fig.27.46(a) below, A, B, C and D are four points on a circle. 
AC and BD intersect at E in such a way that BEC = 30o. and ECD = 20o. Find BAC
1. BEC and BEA form a linear pair. So BEA = 180 - BEC = 180 -130 = 50o.
2. BEA and ∠CED are opposite angles, and are hence equal. So we get ∠BEA = CED = 50o.
3. Consider ΔCED. We get ∠EDC = [180-(50+20)] =[180-70] = 110o. (∵ sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180o)
4. Consider the major arc BC in fig(c). It subtends BDC (= 110o) on the alternate arc. 
• The same arc subtends ∠BAC on the alternate arc. So ∠BAC = ∠BDC = 110oThis is marked in fig(c). Thus we get the required angle.

Solved example 27.17
In the fig.27.47(a) below, ABCD is a square. 
Determine DPC
1. Draw the diagonal AC of the square. 
2. A diagonal of a square will bisect the angles at the corners. So we get:
DAC = BAC = 45o.
3. Consider the quadrilateral ACPD. It is a cyclic quadrilateral. The sum of opposite angles = 180o.
4. So we get: DPC + DAC = 180 DPC + 45 = 180  DPC = 180 - 45 = 135o.

Now we will see an important result related to cyclic quadrilaterals. We will learn it in steps: 
1. Fig.27.48(a) below shows a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. 
2. The side AB is extended along towards the right up to point E. So CBE (shown in red colour) becomes an exterior angle of the cyclic quadrilateral. We can write:
■ CBE is the exterior angle of the cyclic quadrilateral ABCD at the vertex B. 
3. For the vertex B, the opposite vertex is D
• So, for the vertex B, ADC (shown in yellow colour) is the 'interior angle at the opposite vertex'
4. Thus we have three quantities:
(i) A vertex B  (ii) Exterior angle at that vertex B  (iii) Interior angle at D, which is the opposite vertex of B  
• We want to know the relation between (ii) and (iii)
5. Consider the interior angle at B. It is shown in blue colour in fig (b)
• Blue + Red will obviously be 180o ( they form a linear pair)
• So we can write: CBE + ABC = 180o
6. Yellow and Blue are opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral. So their sum will be 180o
• We can write: ADC + ABC = 180o
7. From (5) we get: ABC = 180 – CBE
• Substituting this in (6) we get:
∠ADC + (180 – CBE) = 180
 ADC – CBE = 180 – 180  
 ADC – CBE = 0 
8. So we can write: 
• The exterior angle at B is equal to the interior angle at opposite vertex
9. Now consider fig (c). The side CB is extended upto F
• ∠ABF is an exterior angle at vertex B. So is CBE
• But we can see that the two are equal because, they are opposite angles. 
• So, at a vertex, there will be only one value for an exterior angle
10. We can write the above results in a general form:
• Consider any vertex of a cyclic quadrilateral. 
• There will be an exterior angle at that vertex
• That exterior angle will be equal to the interior angle at the opposite vertex

Some solved examples on cyclic quadrilaterals are shown in the form of a video presentation at the following links:
Trapezium Cyclic or not

Non-rectangular parallelogram Cyclic or not

In the next section, we will learn about Multiplication of Chords.


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