Friday, May 12, 2017

Chapter 32.1 - Tangents from an Exterior point to a Circle

In the previous section we saw some basics about tangents. In this section we will learn more details.

Let us do an experiment:

• Consider any point inside a circle. Try to draw a tangent from that point. We can try in any direction we like. We will find that the lines we draw always form a secants. This is shown in fig.32.9(a) below. We will never be able to draw a tangent from a point inside the circle.
• Now take any point on the circle. We have already proved in the previous section that, only one tangent can be drawn through a point on the circle. This is shown in fig(b)
• Now take a point outside the circle. We can try in any direction we like. We will find that only two tangents are possible. This is shown in fig(c)
■ So we can write a summary of the three cases shown in the fig.32.9 above.
Case 1: No tangent can be drawn through a point lying inside a circle
Case 2: Only one tangent can be drawn through a point lying on the circle
Case 3: Only two tangents can be drawn through a point lying outside the circle

Out of the three cases, 'case 3' requires a detailed discussion. Consider fig.32.10 below:
■ In fig.32.10(a), T1 and T2 are the points of contact. 
■ The lengths PTand PTwill be always equal. 
■ The measurement from P to T1 (or T2) is called the length of tangent from point P to the circle. 

The above details about 'case 3' can be written in the form of a theorem. We will write it in a step by step manner:
Theorem 32.2:
1. From any point P outside a circle, two tangents can be drawn
2. So there will be two points of contact T1 and T2
3. The lengths PT1 and PT2 will be the same

We can prove the theorem using fig.32.10(b)
1. By applying theorem 32.1OT1P = 90o. So triangle OT1P is a right angled triangle
2. By applying theorem 32.1, OT2P = 90o. So triangle OT2P is a right angled triangle
3. We will check whether these two triangles OT1P and OT2P are congruent or not. Since they are both right angled, we will use the RHS criterion.
(i) In the RHS criterion, we first check the hypotenuse.
• The hypotenuse of OT1P is OP ( OP is opposite the 90o angle)
• The hypotenuse of OT2P is also OP ( OP is opposite the 90o angle)
• So both the triangles have the same hypotenuse
(ii) Next we check the legs
• In the OT1P, consider the leg OT1. An exact replica of this leg is present in the other OT2P also.
• This is because OT1 and OT2 are the radii of the same circle.
(iii) So, the two triangles OT1and OT2P:
• Have the same hypotenuse
• Have one leg the same
■ So they are congruent
(iv) We can write the correspondence of corners:
Tand T2 are the 90corners. So T↔ T2.
O and P are common corners. So O ↔ O and P ↔ P
(v) From the correspondence of corners, we can write the correspondence of sides:
• OT↔ OT2, OP ↔ OP and PT PT2.
• The last one among the above three is PT PT2. That means, the two sides PTand PTare equal
4. Thus we proved theorem 32.2
5. We have another useful result also:
(i) Consider the congruence of corners written in 3(iv) above. We have O ↔ O and P ↔ P
• It is clear that the angles at O are equal. That is: T1OP = T2OP 
• Also it is clear that angles at P are equal. That is: OPTOPT2
    ♦ So the angles shown in green and blue colours in fig.32.10(b) are equal

From the results in (5), we can write another theorem. Let us analyse it first:
■ We have: T1OP = T2OP
• But T1OP is the angle subtended by the tangent PT1 at the centre of the circle 
• Also T2OP is the angle subtended by the tangent PT2 at the centre of the circle
• The fact that these angles are equal is very helpful for solving problems
■ We have: OPTOPT2
• But OPT1 is the angle that the tangent PTmakes with the line joining P to the centre O
• Also OPT2 is the angle that the tangent PTmakes with the line joining P to the centre O
• The fact that these angles are equal is also very helpful for solving problems

We will combine the above results and write it as a theorem. We will write it in steps, and also as two parts:
Theorem 32.3:
1. From any point P outside a circle, two tangents can be drawn
2. So there will be two points of contact T1 and T2.
Part (i):
• Tangent PTwill subtend T1OP at the centre of the circle
• Tangent PTwill subtend T2OP at the centre of the circle
• Then T1OP = T2OP
Part (ii):
• A line OP is drawn from the centre O to point P
• Tangent PTwill make OPTwith OP
• Tangent PTwill make OPTwith OP
• Then OPTOPT2

So we proved theorems 32.2 and 32.3 using the RHS criterion. If we want to prove theorem 32.2 only, we can use an easier method:
We can use the same fig.32.10(b)
1. By applying theorem 32.1OT1P = 90o. So triangle OT1P is a right angled triangle
2. Using Pythagoras theorem, PT12 = OP2 - OT12
3. By applying theorem 32.1, OT2P = 90o. So triangle OT2P is a right angled triangle 
4. Using Pythagoras theorem, PT22 = OP2 - OT22
• But OT2 = OT1.
• This is because OT1 and OT2 are the radii of the same circle.
5. So (4) can be written as: PT22 = OP2 - OT12.
6. But right side of (5) is same as right side of (2)
7. So we can write: PT1PT22   PT= PT2.
Thus theorem 32.2 is proved

Now we will see a solved example
Solved example 32.2:
Two concentric circles C1 and C2 have center at O (fig.32.11.a). 
The tangent at a point P on the smaller circle C2, intersects the larger circle at A and B. Prove that AP = BP
1. Join P to the center O (fig.32.11.b). Then OP is a radius and it will be perpendicular to AB (Theorem 32.1)
2. Now AB is a chord of C2 and OP is the perpendicular drawn from the center of C2 onto AB
3. Then OP will be bisector of AB (Theorem 17.1). 
Thus we get AP = BP
Another method:
1. Join P to the center O (fig.32.11.c). Then OP is a radius and it will be perpendicular to AB (Theorem 32.1)
2. Also join OA and OB. We get two right triangles: APO and BPO
3. Next step is to prove that, the two triangles are congruent. Since they are both right angled, we will use the RHS criterion.
(i) In the RHS criterion, we first check the hypotenuse.
• The hypotenuse of ⊿APO is OA ( OA is opposite the 90o angle)
• The hypotenuse of ⊿BPO is also OB ( OB is opposite the 90o angle)
• So both the triangles have the same hypotenuse ( OA and OB are the radii of C1)
(ii) Next we check the legs
• The leg OP is present in both the triangles.
(iii) So, the two triangles ⊿APO and ⊿BPO:
• Have the same hypotenuse
• Have one leg the same
■ So they are congruent
(iv) We can write the correspondence of corners:
O and P are common corners. So O ↔ O and P ↔ P
A and B are the remaining corners. They will be corresponding  corners. So A ↔ B.
(v) From the correspondence of corners, we can write the correspondence of sides:
• OA ↔ OB, OP ↔ OP and AP  BP.
• The last one among the above three is AP  BP. That means, the two sides AP and BP are equal

Solved example 32.3

Two tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle with center O from an external point T (fig.32.12.a).

Prove that PTQ = 2 OPQ
• Let OPQ = θ (fig.32.12.b). Then we have to prove that PTQ = 2θ
We will write the steps:
1. TP is the tangent drawn from an external point T to a point P on the circle
• OP is the line joining that P to the center O
• So TPO = 90(Theorem 32.1)
• Thus TPQ = TPO - OPQ = (90 -θ)
2. TQ is the tangent drawn from an external point T to a point Q on the circle
• OQ is the line joining that Q to the center O
• So TQO = 90(Theorem 32.1)
• Thus TQP = TQO - OQP = (90 - OQP)
3. OPQ is an isosceles triangle (∵ OP = OQ, the radii of the same circle)
• Base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal. So we get:
• OQP = OPQ = θ.
4. Substituting this value of OQP in (2) we get:
TQP = (90-θ
5. Consider triangle TPQ
• PTQ = [180 -(TPQ+TQP)]
= [180 - {(90-θ)+(90-θ)}
= [180 - {2 × (90-θ)}] 
= [180 - {180 - 2θ}] = [180 - 180 + 2θ] = 2θ

Solved example 32.4
PQ is a chord of length 8 cm of a circle of radius 5 cm. The tangents at P and Q intersect at a point T See below 
Find the length TP
1. Draw OT. Let it intersect PQ at R (fig.32.13.b) 
• TP and TQ are tangents from the same point T.
• Then PTO = QTO (Theorem 32.3 part(ii)). These two angles are shown in blue color in fig.32.13.b
2. Also TP = TQ (Theorem 32.2)
• So PTQ is an isosceles triangle
• In this isosceles triangle, we have: PTO = QTO
• That means, TO is the angle bisector of PTQ
• In the isosceles triangle, if TO is the angle bisector of the apex angle, then that TO will be the perpendicular bisector of the base 
• So TO is the perpendicular bisector of PQ
• Thus we get: PQ = QR = 4 cm
3. Since TO is perpendicular to PQ, we get four right triangles:
4. Applying Pythagoras theorem in OPR, we get:
OR2 = OP2 - PR2 ⟹ OR2 = 52 - 42 ⟹ OR2 = 25 - 16 = 9 ⟹ OR = 9 = 3 cm
5. Applying Pythagoras theorem in TPR, we get:
TR2 = TP2 - PR2 ⟹ TR2 = TP2 - 42 
6. Applying Pythagoras theorem in OPT, we get:
TP2 = OT2 - OP2 ⟹ TP2 = (TR+OR)2 - 52 
⟹ TP2 = (TR2  + 2 × TR × OR + OR2 - 25) 
⟹ TP= (TR2  + 2 × TR × 3 + 32 -25) 
⟹ TP= (TR2 + 6TR + 9 -25) 
⟹ TP= (TR2 + 6TR -16)
7. But from (5), we have: TR2 = TP2 - 42 = TP2 - 16 
Substituting this in (6) we get:
TP= (TP2 - 16 + 6TR -16) ⟹ 6TR = 32 ⟹ TR = 326 = 163
8. Substituting this value of TR in (5) we get:
(163)2 = TP2 - 42 ⟹ TP2 = (163)2 + 16 
⟹ TP2569+ 16 ⟹ TP16(16+9)9 = 16(25)9
TP = [16(25)9] = 4(5)203 cm

Solved example 32.5
Prove that the tangents drawn to a circle at the two ends of a diameter are parallel
1. Fig.32.14(a) below shows a rough sketch. The diameter is shown in green colour. Tangents are drawn at it's ends in red colour. 
• We have to prove that the red lines are parallel
2. The diameter and tangents are given names in fig.32.14(b)
• PQ is the diameter
• Tangent at P is named as AB
• Tangent at Q is named as CD
3. Extend PQ beyond the tangents
• Now we have two red lines cut by a green transversal
4. If AB is to be a tangent at P, APO = 90o 
• If CD is to be a tangent at Q, CQO = 90o 
• But APO and CQO are corresponding angles. If corresponding angles are equal, the two red lines will definitely be parallel 

In the next section, we will see more details about Tangents.


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