Monday, October 24, 2016

Chapter 18.4 - Division of Triangles using Parallel lines

In the previous section we completed the discussion on Division of lines. In this section, we will see Triangle division.

Consider the triangle ABC in fig.18.25(a) below. A red line is drawn parallel to the base AB. This red line intersect the sides AC and BC at P and Q. 
At a first glance there is nothing special about this fig(a). But some important details are hidden in it. Let us bring them out:
Draw two more parallel red lines. One through the apex C, and another through the base AB. This is shown in the fig(b). Now we have three parallel red lines. They cut through two lines AC and BC. So the distances cut will be in the same ratio. So we can write: AP:CP = BQ:CQ
This gives us a method to draw a line parallel to the base of any triangle. Let us see an example:

Solved example 18.9
In the triangle ABC in the fig.18.26(a) below, AC = 10 cm, BC = 15 cm and AP = 4 cm. Draw a line parallel to AB through P
• To draw a parallel to AB through P, we need the perpendicular distance from P to AB. But it is not given.
• What we have, is the distance AP. Let us check whether there is any relation between this distance and the total distance AC:
• We have: APAC = 410 = 25 ⇒ AP = 25 × AC.
• That means., AP is two fifths of AC. In other words, if we divide AC into 5 equal parts, AP will take up two such parts. It follows that, CP will take up the remaining three parts.
• Thus we can say: P divides AC in such a way that AP: CP = 2:3
• Now, we need a point Q on BC, which will divide BC in such a way that BQ:CQ = 2:3. Let us find this 'Q':
• We have: BQ:CQ = 2:3. So if BC is divided into 5 equal parts, BQ should take up 2 such parts. In other words, BQ must be two fifths of BC
• Thus we get: BQ = 25 × BC = 25 × 15 = 6 cm
• With B as centre, and 6 cm as radius, draw an arc. This is shown in fig(b). This arc will cut BC at the required point Q
• Join P and Q. The Line PQ will be parallel to AB

In the above problem, we effectively used theorem 18.1 to draw the required parallel line. We found that P divides AC in the ratio 2:3. 
■ In fact we can use the method for any ratio. Because, we have learned how to divide any line in any given ratio.
■ So what if P is the exact midpoint of AB?
• Then the calculations steps are even more easier. The ratio is a simple 1:1. All we have to do is to draw a perpendicular bisector of the other side BC. This bisector will give us the point Q, and we can draw PQ
• From this we get some new information. We can write it in the form of a theorem. We will write it in steps.

Theorem 18.4
1. We have a triangle ABC with base AB, and two sides AC and BC
2. We mark the midpoint of AC as P, and the midpoint of BC as Q
3. Then we join PQ. This PQ will be parallel to the base AB
We can write the converse also:
1. We have a triangle ABC with base AB, and two sides AC and BC
2. We mark the midpoint of AC as P
3. Then we draw a line through P, parallel to the base AB. This parallel line meets the other side BC at Q
4. Q will be the midpoint of BC
• Note that, in the triangle, any side can be taken as the 'base'. The 'two sides' will change accordingly.
■ The above steps can be written in just one line as:
In any triangle, the line drawn parallel to one side, passing through the midpoint of another side, meets the third side also at it's midpoint

Let us join the midpoints of all the 3 sides of a triangle. This is shown in the fig.18.27(a) below:
1. P is the midpoint of AC; Q is the midpoint of BC; R is the midpoint of AB
2. Joining P, Q and R, we get an inner triangle PQR
3. Also we have: PQ parallel to AB (∵ P is midpoint of AC & Q is midpoint of BC, using theorem 18.4)
4.QR parallel to AC (∵ Q is midpoint of BC & R is midpoint of AB)
5. PR parallel to BC (P is midpoint of AC & R is midpoint of AB)
• Based on the above 5 points on fig.18.27(a), we can derive some very interesting results:
6. We have AC parallel to QR ⇒ AP parallel to QR
7. Also we have AB parallel to PQ ⇒ AR parallel to PQ
• Let us take out this portion ARQP for analysis. It is shown separately in fig.18.27(b)
8. We have two parallel lines PQ and AR cut by a transversal PR. So ARP = RPQ 
• They are alternate interior angles as shown in fig.18.27(c) below:
• The equal angles ARP and RPQ are shown in green colour
9. We have two parallel lines AP and QR cut by a transversal PR. So APR = PRQ
• They are alternate interior angles as shown in fig.18.27(c) above.
• The equal angles APR and PRQ are shown in white colour
10. Now consider the line PR. What are the angles at it's end, from a point of view of ΔPQR?
Ans: The angles are RPQ (green) and PRQ (white)
11. What are the angles at it's end, from a point of view of ΔAPR?
Ans: The angles are APR (white) and ARP (green)
12. But from (9), APR (white) = PRQ (white), and from (8), ARP (green) = RPQ (green)
• Now ask the question (11) again:
13. What are the angles at the ends of line PR, from a point of view of ΔAPR?
Ans: The angles are PRQ (white) and RPQ (green)
14. The answers in (10) and (13) are the same. Line PR has green angle and white angle at it's ends in both the triangles. Thus. we have a line PR, and the angles at it's ends, present in both ΔPQR and ΔAPR
15. It is a case of ASA congruence (Angle, Side, Angle). The two triangles are equal. That is: ΔPQR = ΔAPR
16. Also, both the pairs of opposite sides are parallel. So ARQP is a parallelogram
17. We proved (15) and (16), by taking out the portion ARQP 
18. In the same way, by taking out the portion PRBQ, we can prove:
(i)ΔPQR = ΔQRB and (ii) PRBQ is a parallelogram
19. In the same way, by taking out the portion PRQC, we can prove:
(i) ΔPQR = ΔPQC and (ii) PRQC is a parallelogram
20. From (15), (18.i) and (19.i), we can write:
■ That is., all the four inner triangles are equal.
Another interesting result:
21. Consider the non-isosceles trapezium ABQP
(i) AR = PQ. [since from (16), ARQP is a parallelogram, and AR and PQ are it's opposite sides]
(ii) Also, from (1), R is the midpoint of AB
• It follows that, PQ = AR = RB. That means, PQ is half of AB
22. In a similar way, by considering the non-isosceles trapezium BCPR, we get: PR is half of BC
23. In a similar way, by considering the non-isosceles trapezium ACQR, we get: QR is half of AC
• We can write the above findings (21), (22) and (23) in the form of a theorem. In fact it is an extension of theorem 18.4

Theorem 18.5
1. We have a triangle ABC with base AB, and two sides AC and BC
2. We mark the midpoint of AC as P, and the midpoint of BC as Q
3. Then we join PQ. This PQ will be parallel to the base AB
4. Also PQ will be half of AB
We can write the converse also:
1. We have a triangle ABC with base AB, and two sides AC and BC
2. We mark the midpoint of AC as P
3. Then we draw a line through P, parallel to the base AB. This parallel line meets the other side BC at Q
4. Q will be the midpoint of BC

5. Also PQ will be half of AB
• Note that, in the triangle, any side can be taken as the 'base'. The 'two sides' will change accordingly.
■ The above steps can be written in just one line as:
The length of the line joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is half the length of the third side

We will now see a solved example based on the above discussion
Solved example 18.9
Fig.18.28 below shows a right angled triangle ABC. The midpoint of AC is marked as D. A perpendicular DE is dropped from D to the base AB. (i) Calculate the side CB of the larger triangle ABC. (ii) Calculate all the sides AE, AD and ED of the smaller triangle AED
Part (i): 1. ABC is a right angled triangle, as indicated by the 90at the corner B. We can simply apply Pythagoras theorem to ABC:
CB2 = 102 - 82 ⇒ CB2 = 100 - 64 ⇒ CB2 = 36 ⇒ CB = 36 = 6 cm
Part(ii): 1. DE is parallel to BC. Because, both DE and BC are perpendicular to AB. Also, given that D is the midpoint of AC. 
2. Theorem 18.4 states: In any triangle, the line drawn parallel to ones side, passing through the midpoint of another side, meets the third side also at it's midpoint.
3. So E is the midpoint of AB. Thus we get AE = 82 = 4 cm
4. Now we apply theorem 18.5: The length of a line joining the midpoints of two sides of a triangle is half the length of the third side.
5. So DE is half of BC. Thus we get DE =  62 = 3 cm
6. Given that D is the midpoint of AC. So DE =  102 = 5 cm
7. (3), (5) and (6) gives the answer to part (ii)

In the next section, we will see more details about Triangle Division.


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