Monday, November 28, 2016

Chapter 19.4 - Third method to obtain scaled versions of triangles.

In the previous section we saw that, if each of the given two triangles is the scaled version of the other, the angles in them will be the same. So far we have seen two methods for obtaining scaled versions of a given triangle. They are: 
1. Given all the three sides of a triangle. We can obtain a scaled version by multiplying all the sides by a scale factor 'k'. This is the basis of theorem 19.1 and theorem 19.2.
2. Given a single side of a triangle, and the angles at it's ends. We can obtain a scaled version by drawing one side with the 'scaled side' and the angle at it's ends the same. Based on this method, we developed theorem 19.3

In this section we will learn a third method to obtain a 'scaled version' of a triangle.
1. Fig.19.19(a) shows ΔABC. Two of its sides and included angle are given:
AB = 6 cm, AC = 4 cm, CAB = 30o
2. We want a scaled version of ΔABC. The scale factor being 34
3. In fig.b, ΔPQR is shown. • It’s side PQ = 6 × 34 = 4.5 cm
• Side PR = 4 × 34 = 3 cm.
• Included angle is same as in ΔABC.
4. Is ΔPQR the required scaled version?
If PQR is indeed the scaled version, RQ must be equal to 34 of BC. But BC is not given.
5. So the question is:
If two sides are scaled by the same factor, with the included angle remaining the same, will the third side also be scaled by the same factor?
6. We can find the answer by using an intermediary triangle. (We used such a method to prove theorem 19.3 in the previous section).
7. In fig.19.20 below, 
• (a) shows the same ΔABC in fig.19.19a. 
• (c) shows the same ΔPQR in fig.19.19b.
 • The intermediary ΔMNO is drawn in the middle. It is drawn by the following procedure:
(i) First draw MN = 4.5 cm
(ii) Complete ΔMNO by drawing lines at 30o at M and xo (the angle at B in the given ΔABC) at N. It is a simple ASA construction.
8. So the value of y at vertex O will be the same y at the vertex C in ABC ( sum of the angles in any triangle = 180)
9. Thus, all the angles in ΔABC and ΔMNO are the same. They are scaled versions. Consider their lengths:
• AB is scaled by 34 to get MN
• AC is scaled by 34 to get OM
• So ON will be equal to 34 of BC. So, If BC = a cm, ON = 3a4
10. Now consider ΔMNO and ΔPQR:
 They have two sides and included angle the same:
4.5 cm side, 3.0 cm side, and the included angle 30.
• It is an SAS congruence. So the two triangles are equal. Let us write the congruence:
• The angle 30o is at M and P. So we get MP
• N is at 4.5 cm from M. Q is at the same 4.5 cm from P. So we get NQ
• The remaining vertices are O and R. So we get OR
• From the above three, we get MNPQ, NOQR and MOPR
• From NOQR, we can say NO = QR.
11. But from (9), we have seen NO = 3a4. Thus QR = 3a4
12. So we can say that, if two sides are scaled by the same factor, with the included angle remaining the same, the third side will also be scaled by the same factor. We can write in the form of a theorem:

Theorem 19.4
• We have a ΔABC. Two of it’s sides and included angle are given
• We draw another ΔPQR with the two sides scaled by a factor ‘k’, and the included angle remaining the same
• Then ΔPQR will be a scaled version of ΔABC, the scale factor being ‘k’

Let us now see the practical applications of this theorem:
1. In fig.19.21(a) below, ΔABC is a given triangle. 
2. Mark any convenient point ‘O’ in the interior of ΔABC, as shown in fig.b.
3. Join OA and OB. Extend OA up to P, in such a way that OP is 32 times OA. That means, we are scaling the original length OA by a factor of 32
(i) For drawing OP, we need the additional length AP. How much is AP?
Ans: The additional length AP = OP – OA
(ii) But OP = 32 × OA = 3OA2
(iii) So AP = 3OA2 – OA = (3OA-2OA)2 = OA2
(iv) So the additional distance AP = half of OA
(v) With this information, we can easily draw OP.
4. Using the same method, extend OB to Q, in such a way that OQ = 3OB2
5. Join PQ. Now we have a large ΔOPQ, and inside it, a small ΔOAB
(i) Side OA is scaled by a factor 3to get OP
(ii) Side OB is scaled by the same factor 3to get OQ
(iii) The included angle between OA and OB is the same included angle between OP and OQ
(iv) So ΔOPQ is the scaled version of ΔOAB, the scale factor being 32
6. Based on this information, we can say: the side AB is scaled by the same 32 to get PQ.
7. Now draw OR in such a way that OR = 3OC2
8. Join PR and QR. Based on the above discussion, we can write: PR = 3AC2 and QR = 3BC2
9. That means, each side of ΔABC is scaled by 32 to get the sides of ΔPQR
10. So ΔPQR is a scaled version of ΔABC, the scale factor being 32
■ This is a convenient method to scale any triangle. In this method, we do not have to measure the angles.

We will now see a real case which demonstrates the method:
1. Fig.19.22 shows the original ΔABC. We want a scaled version with a scale factor 112
2. A convenient point 'O' is marked in the interior of ΔABC. Draw OA, OB and OC
3. Scale them by 1.5, to reach P, Q and R. Draw PQ, QR and PR
4. • Then PQ will be 6 × 1.5 = 9.0
• QR will be 3 × 1.5 = 4.5
• PR will be 5 × 1.5 = 7.5
■ ΔPQR is the required triangle

We have to note a point here. 'O' is marked at any convenient point. So lengths of OA, OB, OC etc., may not be perfect whole numbers. Most likely they will be whole numbers plus decimals. In such cases it may not be easy to scale them accurately by a given scale. So we must use geometric mehods. Examples for scaling lines by any given ratio are given in the form of a video presentation here. In this method, measurements of lines is not required.

We will now see some solved examples based on the above discussions

Solved example 19.10
The fig.19.23 below shows two concentric circles with centre 'O'. OP is a radius of the outer circle. 
This radius intersects the inner circle at 'A'.
OQ is another radius of the outer circle. This radius intersects the inner circle at 'B'. Prove that ΔOAB and ΔOPQ are similar.
1. OA and OB are radii of the same circle. So OA = OB
2. OP and OQ are radii of the same circle. So OP = OQ
3. Let OA be scaled by a scale factor k1 to make OP. Then we can write: OP = k1 × OA
4. Let OB be scaled by a scale factor k2 to make OQ. Then we can write: OQ = k2 × OB
5. In (4), substitute for OQ from (2) and substitute for OB from (1). We get: OP = k2 × OA
6. But from (3) we have OP = k1× OA. These two can be true only if k1 = k2
7. That means OA and OB are scaled by the same factor to obtain OP and OQ respectively
8. Now, the angle between OP and OQ is same as the angle between OA and OB.
9. So we have: Two sides scaled by the same factor, with included angle remaining the same. (see theorem 19.4)
10. So ΔOAB and ΔOPQ are similar.

Solved example 19.11
In fig. 19.24 below, ΔABC has it's circumcentre at O. Circumcentre of ΔPQR is also at O.
(i) Prove that ΔABC and ΔPQR are similar. 
(ii) Prove that the 'scale factor of the sides of the triangle' is same as the 'scale factor of the radii of the two circumcircles'.
1. OA, OB and OC are radii of the same circle. So OA = OB = OC
2. OP, OQ and OR are radii of the same circle. So OP = OQ = OR
3. Let OA be scaled by a scale factor k1 to make OP. Then we can write: OP = k1 × OA
4. Let OB be scaled by a scale factor k2 to make OQ. Then we can write: OQ = k2 × OB
5. Let OC be scaled by a scale factor k3 to make OR. Then we can write: OR = k3 × OC
• Take any two from (3), (4) and (5). Let us take (3) and (4):
6. In (4), substitute for OQ from (2) and substitute for OB from (1). We get: OP = k2 × OA
7. But from (3) we have OP = k1× OA. These two can be true only if k1 = k2
8. That means OA and OB are scaled by the same factor to obtain OP and OQ respectively. So we get k1 = k2
9. Similarly, by taking (4) and (5), we will get k2 = k3
10. From (8) and (9), we get: k1 = k2 = k3
• Since they are all equal, we will give a common name 'k'. Thus we can write: k1 = k2 = k3 = k
11. Consider triangle OPQ and it's inner triangle OAB. Sides OA and OB are scaled by the same factor k (since k1 = k2 = k), and their included angle remains the same. So ΔOAB and ΔOPQ are similar.
That means, we can obtain each side of ΔOPQ by multiplying the corresponding side of ΔOAB
12. We have already seen that:
• OP is obtained by multiplying OA by k1 
• OQ is obtained by multiplying OB by k2
• We have see that k1 = k2 = k 
• So PQ will be obtained by multiplying AB by k
That is., PQ = AB × k
13. • In (11) we considered ΔOPQ and it's inner ΔOAB. We obtained the result in (12): PQ = AB × k
• Similarly, if we consider ΔOPR and it's inner ΔOAC, we will get: PR = AC × k   
• Also, if we consider ΔOQR and it's inner ΔOBC, we will get: QR = BC × k   
14. That means, each side of ΔPQR is obtained by multiplying the corresponding side of ΔABC by 'k'. So ΔABC and ΔPQR are similar. This is the solution of part(i).
15. From (14), it is clear that, 'k' is the scale factor of ABC and PQR. We have to prove that this 'k' is the same scale factor of the circumradii. That is., we have to prove the below three:
• OP = OA×k,     • OQ = OB×k,     and     • OC = OR×k.
16. In (3), (4) and (5), we wrote:  OP = k1 × OA,  OQ = k2 × OB and OR = k3 × OC
17. In (10), we proved that k1 = k2 = k3 = k
18. This same 'k' is used for scaling ΔABC to ΔPQR. So (15) is proved. This is the solution for part(ii)

In the next section, we will see the relation between perimeters of similar triangles.


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